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So far socofamilydentaladmin has created 44 blog entries.
21 07, 2018

Shark Week!

By |2018-07-21T22:01:39+00:00July 21st, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Shark Week!

Happy Shark Week everyone! Set your DVR’s for shark greatness! My wife and I enjoy scuba diving. Being underwater away from the rest of the world offers peace and tranquility amongst the sea creatures. We prefer to see footage of the big sharks, however, from the comfort of our couch! Do you know why sharks never have to visit the dentist? Sharks continue to grow and shed teeth even until adulthood. Cavities… no problem! They [...]

7 06, 2018

Summer Time Oral Health

By |2018-06-07T14:10:21+00:00June 7th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Summer Time Oral Health

Hi! It’s June and school is winding down. Happy Oral Health Month! Parents may miss school instruction, but year—round instruction is in your hands! Take the extra time when you are brushing and flossing to invite your children to watch. You may even want to bring the dog into the conversation. Oral cavities are very common in pets and can be prevented by brushing their teeth with dog or cat safe toothpaste.  My dog has [...]

23 12, 2015

Signs of a Tooth Cavity

By |2015-12-23T22:53:51+00:00December 23rd, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Signs of a Tooth Cavity

We have all experienced those times when we have a toothache and think…”Do I have a cavity?” You brush twice a day and floss regularly, so a cavity is unlikely. Right? Here is how you can tell if it’s time to give us a call: The Signs and Symptoms of a Cavity It’s believed that roughly 90% of Americans will get at least one cavity in their lifetime. When a cavity is in its initial [...]

9 12, 2015

Heart Health & Oral Health

By |2015-12-09T22:53:30+00:00December 9th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Heart Health & Oral Health

Good daily oral care which includes brushing and flossing not only improves your breath and reduces plaque but it can also help keep your heart healthy. Recent scientific research shows a real connection between your heart health and oral health. Over 2,400 people die from cardiovascular disease each day, making it a huge public health problem. Cardiovascular disease occurs when arteries become harder, making it more difficult for blood to easily pass through your circulatory [...]

25 11, 2015

The importance of wearing a mouth guards

By |2015-11-25T22:52:42+00:00November 25th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The importance of wearing a mouth guards

With sports being a year round activity, it’s important to protect your teeth while playing contact sports. Mouth guards are a flexible, removable device made of soft plastic, and they are adapted to fit comfortably with the shape of the upper teeth. Mouth guards protect not just the teeth, but the lips, cheeks, and tongue, and they also help protect athletes from head and neck injuries, as well as concussions and jaw fractures. Increasingly, organized [...]

11 11, 2015


By |2015-11-11T22:52:20+00:00November 11th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Mouthwash

While mouthwash is not an alternative to regular brushing and flossing, it can help keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy. There are several different types of mouthwashes available, and all of them will help do different things for your smile. The most common types of mouthwashes are: • Fluoride – fluoride is the most used type of mouthwash available, and is used to strengthen the enamel of the teeth while preventing cavities and [...]

21 10, 2015


By |2015-10-21T22:51:54+00:00October 21st, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Xylitol

Xylitol is a naturally occurring sweetener found in tree bark, plants, fruits, and vegetables. The human body also produces it in small amounts. It looks and tastes like sugar, so as part of a health regimen, most people require no willpower to use it. Xylitol is safe (approved by the World Health Organization) because only a small amount is needed for health benefits. With a glycemic index of seven, it is safe for diabetics. It [...]

7 10, 2015

Oral Cancer

By |2015-10-07T22:50:46+00:00October 7th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Oral Cancer

Every year, over 50,000 North Americans are diagnosed with oral or throat cancer, which has a higher death rate than many other common cancers, including cervical cancer, testicular cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and thyroid or skin cancers. The high death rate results from the fact that most oral cancers go undiagnosed until the disease is well advanced and has spread to another part of the body, most often, the lymph nodes in the neck. Because oral [...]

23 09, 2015

Oral Cancer

By |2015-09-23T22:50:17+00:00September 23rd, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Oral Cancer

According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, close to 40,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year, resulting in more than 8,000 deaths. Men face twice the risk of developing oral cancer as women, and men who are over age 50 face the greatest risk. The American Cancer Society recommends an oral cancer screening exam every three years for people over the age of 20 and annually for those over age 40. [...]

2 09, 2015

TMD Treatment

By |2015-09-02T22:49:53+00:00September 2nd, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on TMD Treatment

TMD occurs when your bite is not properly aligned. It can cause the jaw to experience unnatural stresses and prevent it from resting properly when your mouth is closed. If you have TMD, you may have noticed a clicking noise when you chew, speak, or yawn; you may even experience pain and discomfort during these actions. In some cases, your jaw may feel “locked” following a wide yawn. TMD can cause pain and discomfort in [...]